Guwahati digital has expanded in web-based digital advertising and marketing. Our short and long code service helps you to make identity without efforts. We provide web-based service for your business with a unique and easy to remember identity number. Many multinationals and SME’s as well, are using the service to stand out and reach for clients. These are effective and time-saving SMS methods. Codes will let you look more professional. Short codes and Long codes make you reliable among your customers. We provide catchy codes and tested service to stand you out from your competitors.
Reach Millions
Short / Long Code
Choose Your SMS Digit
Send it the way you want. Just a one click away to your customer’s device
Short Code
Short code is a unique identification number of a business. We will provide you 5 digit number for the business which is the sole identity of you. Short code service gets a response from your customers. Ask your clients to respond and react to the provided details and make abbreviated calls.
Long Code
The long code is 10 digit long number. It lets you receive the responses from your potential clients and customer. Long codes are generally used for a voting poll, election campaigns, promotional and feedback services. Long code service is used by large scale industries.